Andrea L Gooldy
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Christy Kennedy, OTR/L, Inc" <>
Date: August 3, 2014 at 11:01:33 PM EDT
Subject: Sensory Integration Classes
Reply-To: "Christy Kennedy, OTR/L, Inc" <>
Sensory Integration Classes Dear Parents,
Hope you and your family have had a fun summer with time to relax! I am contacting you because I value you as a source for referrals.
I am pleased and excited to announce that occupational therapist Charlie Johnson will be joining ranks with me here in Decatur! If you know of a family who might be in need of our services, please let them know that we have a few openings.
Charlie worked with Clay White for 3 yrs and shadowed me for nearly a year prior to entering into OT school. His focus in sensory processing and arousal regulation in pediatric populations was clear from the beginning. The children really love his kind and gentle spirit and I am looking forward to his creativity and insights. Charlie additionally has a degree in sociology.
In addition, my next lecture series on Sensory Integration starts soon on September 11 (evening) and October 1st (daytime). Details are available at:
Thank you for attending my classes in the past and for telling friend and colleagues about these classes. If learning about sensory integration has made a difference for your family, would you please consider forwarding this email to another family?Feel free to contact me if you have questions or if we may be of service to you.
With gratitude and all the best for this new school year,
Christy Kennedy, OTR/L
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Christy Kennedy, OTR/L, Inc
234 E Parkwood Rd
Decatur, GA 30030
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