Monday, September 23, 2013

Getting Your Child Out the Door / Discipline for Preteens / Helping Preschoolers Listen at School

Happy Fall to everyone ~
Hope you are settling into the school takes time for us all to transition, and some longer than others. Finally getting some parenting tip emails out ~ hmm, maybe I am slower to transition than I once thought! Here is another parenting expert resource, in addition to Love and Logic, ScreamFree Parenting, Positive Discipline, etc. I don't have to add anything to Dr Laura Markham's suggestions. She's even more detailed than I am! LoL. And her tips on getting our children out the door applies to all ages of children ~ in a nutshell:

EARLIER to bed for kids, And YOU (thank goodness daylight savings is quickly approaching so darker earlier); Add Extra time, in morning, for everything; Prepare at night; Make 5 mins for Snuggle time in am and Utilize Routines to make process easier (routine charts are great, esp for younger children - let me know if you want me to forward an example that we have used).

Love to hear everyone is doing!


From: Dr. Laura Markham <>
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Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 13:12:37 +0000
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Subject: Getting Your Child Out the Door In the Morning / Discipline for Preteens / Helping Preschoolers Listen at School /Aha! Moments 9-22-13

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Aha! Parenting

Parenting Secret of the Week:

Getting Your Kid Out the Door
In the Morning

"Now that school is back in session and I need to get both kids out the door and myself to work, I’m always running late. No matter how early I get up and get everything prepared the night before, my 4 yr. old is sooo slow and it is a nightmare...No matter how I phrase the request, “Let’s get our clothes on so we can get something to eat, who can do this faster let’s race, or who wants to be a cheetah or a turtle, do you want to do it or me, pick between these two shirts, etc….he will take the opposite position or just start whining or collapse to the floor... refusing to move, making it virtually impossible for me to help him get dressed which I have to do or else it would take another half hour…..He is also very stubborn and will remove all his clothes because he didn’t do it himself ……He will say, “I don’t want to get up or pee” even though I know he needs to do these things and he is so slow that I find myself losing it... All the time, I’ve got my 17 mo. old on my hip crying to get downstairs to eat....I want all of us to have as full of a bucket as we can; not a depleted one as is the case by the time we get to school and work." -- Kristina

Sound familiar?

The bad news is, even doing so many things "right" as Kristina is -- offering choices, making it into a game, preparing the night before -- is no guarantee that things will go smoothly.  Those things help enormously, but sometimes the needs of kids and adults simply clash.

What does a four year old need in the morning?  Well, everyone is different, but most of us need some time to make the transition from sleep into busy activity; most kids balk at feeling pushed. Most four year olds need to "do it myself." Most four year olds want to make their own decision about when their body needs to pee.  And I've never met a four year old who understands why that meeting Mom has to get to is more important than whether he can find his toy car.

So what's the answer?  In my view, the best answer is flextime (or part-time) work for both parents, so there's more time in the morning for small humans to have a more humane start to their day.  But that's not possible for many families.

The next best thing is to re-frame your idea of the morning routine.  What if your main job was to connect emotionally?  That way, your child would have a genuinely "full cup." Not only would he be more ready to cooperate with you, he'd be more able to rise to the developmental challenges of his day.  How?

1. Get everyone to bed as early as possible.  If you have to wake your kids in the morning, they aren't getting enough sleep.  Every hour of sleep less than they need sets them back a year in access to brain function, meaning they act a year younger.

2. Get yourself to bed earlier. If you have to use an alarm, you aren't getting enough sleep. (Sorry.) The morning routine requires infinite creativity and energy from parents. Your kids depend on you to start your own day with a "full cup." There's no way to stay patient when you're exhausted.

3. Build in extra time. Get up earlier than your kids so you're dressed and emotionally centered before you interact with them. Plan on routinely getting to work fifteen minutes earlier than you're due.  Half the time, you won't make it but you also won't lose your temper at your kids because you won't actually be late.  The other half of the time, you'll have a more relaxed start to your work day so you'll be more effective at work.

4. Prepare the night before.  Backpacks, brief cases, lunches made, clothes laid out, coffee pot prepared, breakfast planned. Involve kids the night before too, so they choose their clothing and find that toy car.

5. Make sure you get five minutes of relaxed snuggle time with each child as they wake up.  I know, it sounds impossible.  But if everything else is already done, you can relax for five minutes.  That time connecting with your child will transform your morning.  You fill your child's cup before the day starts, and you re-connect after the separation of the night, which gives your child the motivation to cooperate instead of fight with you.

6. Use routines to make transitions easier.  Kids find transitions hard and the morning is full of transitions.  So if getting her out of bed is a challenge,...........(Continue reading)


Parenting Question of the Week

Helping preschooler learn
to listen to teacher

Dr. Laura....My daughter is 4 and strong-willed. We seem to have a good rhythm at home.....She just started in preschool. The complaint at school is that she is a "free spirit" and doesn't seem to hear her teachers sometimes. I know she can have a tendency to not do things on the first request, but I also know she is a good kid, and a good person.....

Congratulations on having “a good rhythm at home” with your strong-willed daughter. That’s a testament to your parenting!

Regarding preschool, and your daughter not “hearing” her teachers sometimes: You are so right that clamping down with negative reinforcement will upset your daughter and make her less likely to cooperate. It sounds like you’ve already established with your daughter the expectation that she needs to respond quickly to a request from a teacher, so she knows what she needs to do. Let’s look at what could be going on for her that’s keeping her from doing it.

First, your daughter has just begun preschool. Most likely, it’s a bit overwhelming. The separation from home and parents, new expectations for behavior, rambunctious kids, high noise level, the cornucopia of books, toys, and stimulation...Kids respond to all this new experience in different ways. Some are quiet and withdrawn, some are hyper. Some protest the separation from parents. Some behave perfectly at school but fall apart once they get home. Some wet their pants, or the bed at night. Some push, hit, or bite their peers. And some “don’t listen.”

It’s probable that your daughter is trying to manage her stress level by limiting the demands on her and resisting transitions. As she feels more comfortable in the classroom, she will be more responsive to expectations there, particularly if the teacher can avoid making this into a power struggle. That gives us three important ideas about how to help her to make this transition quickly and positively.

1. Help your daughter establish a good relationship with the teacher, which is always the fastest way to get a child cooperating at school. Talk with the teacher about this. An experienced teacher will understand that the child needs to emotionally attach to her, and will find a way to give her a little extra attention.

You can also be helpful in the process. Much of any relationship is in the minds of the participants, so help your daughter develop a feeling of familiarity and affection for her teacher, regardless of what kind of teacher she is.   Make the teacher a part of your daughter’s life by talking about her. “I’m pretty sure that Ms. Williams will read your favorite book sometime if we bring it to school....Ms. Williams told me today how hard you worked on that project....Ms. Williams would love this drawing... Do you want to bring this shiny red apple to Ms. Williams?”

Take a photo of your child and her teacher together. Put it on your refrigerator and speak to it fondly.  “Ms. Williams, you will be so impressed with what a great cleaner-upper my daughter is...Ms. Williams, do you love spaghetti as much as my daughter?  Ms. Williams, we are so lucky to have you as a teacher, we love that classroom with all those toys and books!”  As your daughter lives with her teacher’s photo, she will begin to see her teacher as an important person in her life, which will help her to listen to the teacher’s requests.

Note that it doesn’t really matter what kind of teacher Ms. Williams is. Your daughter will begin to feel more connected to her, which will make her feel more comfortable in the classroom. Your daughter’s developing fondness for the teacher will also help the teacher to respond more patiently towards your daughter.

2. Work with your daughter and the teacher on navigating transitions. Imagine your daughter at school, engaged in a task. The teacher interrupts her with a request. Naturally, it’s hard for her to shift gears. Most kids, especially those we call “strong-willed,” find transitions tough.

Notice what helps your daughter with transitions at home. A two minute warning? Having you touch her or look her in the eye while you make the request? Being able to take charge of the “clean-up” process herself?

Then work with the teacher to formulate an approach that works for your daughter, one the teacher won’t find burdensome.  Maybe if the teacher put her hand on your daughter's arm and looked her in the eye, your daughter would "hear" her.  Maybe your daughter needs a two minute warning, or the reassurance that she can return to her current activity at another time. Maybe she needs to know at the start of an activity how long it will last before the next one. Maybe the teacher needs to show her the chart of the day’s activities, so she begins to know what to expect.

3. Help your daughter to regulate her stress level, both in and out of the classroom. Here’s a challenging environment, and your daughter is regulating herself by focusing on a task. She doesn’t respond immediately to the teacher because taking in that new demand jeopardizes her self-regulation in the face of the stressful environment. A better relationship with the teacher will motivate her to want to please the teacher, but we still need to help her with her stress level and self-regulation.....(continue reading)

Ages & Stages:  Preteens

Beyond Discipline for Preteens

Dr. Laura-
"What kind of discipline works for preteens?  What I was doing before (consequences) certainly doesn't work any more. It seems to make him more defiant and rude, and we all end up yelling. He doesn't do his homework. All he wants to do is 
skateboard with his friends or play computer." -- Sarah

The preteen transition is a tough one for most parents.  Kids start to be heavily influenced by their desire to be respected by their peer group and that often conflicts with the standards we set at home.

Meanwhile, we lose their automatic respect and we have to start earning it. Parents who rely on punishment to control their kids (including timeouts and consequences) realize in the preteen years that it no longer works. In fact, we learn that it is impossible to control them.  Our only hope to retain some influence is to earn it.

Unfortunately, if we've relied on punishment, we've neglected to lay the groundwork that will insure that a preteen "acts right."   That groundwork includes a strong parent-child relationship so the child really does not want to disappoint the parent and WANTS to cooperate.  It also includes empathizing with feelings so the child gains the ability to regulate his emotions, which lets him regulate his behavior. Finally, kids who aren't punished, but are instead lovingly guided to make reparations and solve problems, are earlier to develop internal discipline and a strong moral sense.  So if you've been punishing, it isn't too late, but there's a lot of catching up to do.

It works a lot better to just begin with respectful, positive guidance right from the beginning. That raises preteens who are respectful, considerate, responsible, self-disciplined and delightful, right through the teen years.

But if you've been using punishment (such as consequences) and your son is now ten and acting disrespectful, what can you do?

1. Start by committing to a respectful tone, so that rule is enforced for everyone in the household. If you're yelling, stop. That's why your child yells and is disrespectful. (Really. It's not a necessary to yell to get your child's attention if you have a good relationship.)

2. Focus on strengthening the relationship so that when you set a limit (Homework before screen time!) or express an expectation ("We speak civilly in this house") your child wants to please you.  Make sure you have one-on-one time with each child every day, in which you mostly listen.  If your child is "too busy" to connect, give foot massages. You can't hope to have any influence if your kid doesn't enjoy being with you.

3. Stop punishing.  Instead, be sure your child knows the non-negotiable family rules.  There shouldn't be many of them, stick to the important stuff.  Then, sit down with your family to negotiate anything else.  One of the keys in getting preteens to cooperate is letting them have some say in their lives. 

Worried that your child isn't being "held accountable"? Introduce the concept of reparations.  This isn't a consequence (punishment) that you impose.  This is when you ask your child if there's something he can do to make the situation better now.  For instance, if he says something mean to his sister, he'll need to do some repair work on that relationship.  If he breaks something, he'll need to help pay for a replacement.  But remember that if you think up the reparation and force it down his throat, it only makes sense that he'll reject it.  Instead, let this be an empowering opportunity for him to learn that we all make mistakes -- and we can always take action to make things better.

Finally, assume your child will test you to see if you're serious.  Stay cheerful while you keep enforcing the limits.  For instance, be there.......(Continue reading)

Blog Post of the Week

10 Things to Remember
When Your Child Gets Angry

"Sending children away to get control of their anger perpetuates the feeling of 'badness" inside them...Chances are they were already feeling not very good about themselves before the outburst and the isolation just serves to confirm in their own minds that they were right." -- Otto Weininger,Ph.D. Time-In Parenting

When our kids get angry, it pushes buttons for most of us.  We want to be loving parents.  Why is our child lashing out like this?

Many parents are tempted to send an angry child to her room to "calm down."  After all, what else can we do? We certainly can't reason with her when she's furious. It's no time to teach lessons or ask for an apology. She needs to calm down. 

If we send her to her room, she will indeed calm down, eventually.  Unfortunately, she'll also have gotten a clear message that her anger is unacceptable, and that she's on her own when it comes to managing her big scary feelings. No wonder so many of us develop anger-management issues, whether that means we yell at our kids, throw tantrums with our spouse, or overeat to avoid acknowledging angry feelings.

So what can we do instead? We can help our kids learn to manage their anger responsibly. That begins with accepting anger -- without acting on it.  

One of the most critical tasks of childhood is learning to tolerate the wounds of everyday life without moving into reactive anger.  That gives us the opportunity to address those challenges and resolve them more constructively.  Kids don't learn this through banishment, but by us teaching them to honor all their feelings, while being responsible for their actions. How?

When your child gets angry:

1. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself that there is no emergency.  Keep yourself from moving into fight or flight. This will help calm your child, and model emotional regulation.

2. Remind yourself that tantrums are nature's way of helping small people let off steamTheir brains are still developing and they don't yet have the neural pathways to control themselves as we do.  (And please note that we don't always regulate our anger very well, even as adults!) 

The best way to help children develop those neural pathways is to offer empathy, while they're angry and at other times. It's ok--good, actually--for your child to express those tangled, angry, hurt feelings. After we support kids through a tantrum, they feel closer to us and more trusting.  They feel less wound-up inside, so they can be more emotionally generous. They aren't as rigid and demanding.

3. Remember that anger comes from our "fight, flight or freeze" response. That means it's a defense against threat. Occasionally that threat is outside us. But usually it isn't. We see threats outside us because we're carrying around old stuffed emotions like hurt, fear or sadness. Whatever's happening in the moment triggers those old feelings, and we go into fight mode to try to stuff them down again.

Losses and disappointments can feel like the end of the world to a child, and kids will do anything to fend off these intolerable feelings, so they cry and rage and lash out.  If they feel safe expressing their anger,  and we meet that anger with compassion, their anger will begin to melt.  That's when they can access the more upsetting feelings underneath.  So while we honor our child's anger, it's the expression of the tears and fears beneath the anger that's healing (for all humans).

4. Set whatever limits are necessary to keep everyone safe, while acknowledging the anger and staying compassionate "You're so mad! You wish you could get what you want right now.  I'm so sorry, but you can't have that. You can be as mad as you want, but hitting is not ok, no matter how upset you are.  You can stomp to show me how mad you are, but I won't let you hit me." 

5. Set limits on actions only, not on feelings.  The more compassionate you can be, the more likely your child will find her way to the tears and fears under the anger: "Oh, Sweetie, I'm sorry this is so hard...You're saying I never understand you...that must feel so terrible and lonely."  You don't have to agree, just acknowledge her truth in the moment. Once she feels heard, her truth will shift.

6. Keep yourself safe.  Kids often benefit from pushing against us, so if you can tolerate it and stay compassionate, that's fine to allow, even good. But if your child is hitting you, hold his wrist and say "I don't think I want that angry fist so close to me.  I see how angry you are.  You can hit the pillow, or push against my hands, but I won't let you hurt me."  Kids don't really want to hurt us -- it scares them and makes them feel guilty.

7. Stay as close as you can.  Your child needs an accepting witness who loves him even when he's angry.  If you need to move away to stay safe, tell him.....(continue reading)

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Rosie Posie Baby
Anaheim, California
Tuesday September 24th

Getting Kids to Cooperate without Yelling, Threats or Consequences

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Cottage Coop Nursery School

San Marino, California
Wednesday September 25th
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (PDT)

Stoneman School (map)
1560 Pasqualito Drive
San Marino, CA 91108

Getting Kids to Cooperate without Yelling, Threats or Consequences

Daytona Beach Florida

Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6th 2013

La Leche League of the Sunshine State

Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort
100 N. Atlantic Avenue
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Saturday October 4 
How To Get Your Child Cooperating without Yelling, Threats or Consequences

Sunday October 5
How To Raise An Emotionally Intelligent Child

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Tampa Bay Birth Network

Clearwater/St. Pete 

October 7th, 2013
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Holiday Inn Clearwater/St. Pete airport, Tickets $7.00

How To Get Your Child Cooperating Without Yelling, Threats or Punishment

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Caribou Baby
Brooklyn, NY
October 19, 2013

Peaceful Parenting Workshop:
How to raise self-disciplined children(without bribes!)

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Dr. Laura takes audience questions at all of these events, so don't miss this chance to get her personalized advice and grab a signed copy of her book,Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How To Stop Yelling and Start Connecting.

Want Dr. Laura to come to your school? Have your PTA invite her!


Peaceful Parent,
Happy Kids:
How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting

is now available for immediate download as an MP3!

"Great book every parent should read! .... My husband and don't yell, which is why I almost didn't buy the book. But don't let the title fool you. This is a GREAT book for every parent to read, if you want to be connected to your child and stay connected through all the years of their life! I highly recommend this book if you also want to be a more peaceful person in general, learn to regulate your emotions and be a person with great empathy for others." - M. Collins on Amazon

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Quotes of the Week

May we know when to surrender, and do so with grace. May we remember that some people's lives are parched dry and be grateful for the abundance in ours. May we carry our loads with ease amid sweetness. May we learn and teach well. May we take exquisite care of ourselves. May we find life in new and exciting ways. May we come to the surface for air when we need it. And may everything that hurts us also be a little funny. Have a wonderful new year!! -- Rabbi Brad Hirschfield

"Hearsay......What toddlers do when someone utters a dirty word." - Bacon Babble

"No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?" -- Elbert Hubbard

"Looking back, I cannot recall any crisis that wasn't 75% age- appropriate behavior.  There is no doubt that it helped if I behaved with sensitivity and compassion, and that it hindered growth when I behaved hysterically and stupidly, but really and truly, a lot of it was just a matter of learning to wait, having faith in my daughter's innate capacity for growing and changing." — Eda LeShan
“It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't." -- Barbara Kingsolver

"The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt." -- Frederick Buechne

"We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth."  -- Virginia Satir

Looking for that Aha! Moment to transform your child’s behavior, or maybe your own?  Whether you're wondering how to handle a specific challenge, just figuring out your child-raising approach, or ready to tear your hair out, Aha! Parenting can help.  Dr. Laura Markham is only a phone call away.

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Audio for Immediate Download

Strong-willed kids can be a handful -- high energy, challenging, persistent.  How do we protect those fabulous qualities and encourage their cooperation?

This MP3 covers:

* WHY are strong-willed kids the way they are?

* What kind of parenting brings out the best in strong-willed kids.

*What does emotional intelligence have to do with my strong-willed kid?

* Everyday strategies to help your strong-willed wonder WANT to cooperate.

* How to Stop Fighting and Start Connecting

For more information and to purchase.

Radio Show Podcast:

Let The Baby Drive

Dr. Laura interviews

Lu Hanessian

author of

Do you know any new moms?  They'll want to hear this interview with the wonderful Lu Hanessian, in which she encourages parents to trust their gut  and find their own intuitive voice as mothers (and fathers), so they can  parent their child according to what he needs.

Aha Parenting Moment: Sending your kid to college

Listener Questions:  An easy way to calm yourself when you’re upset

Secrets of Happy Parents:  EFT process for parents

Click to Download this complementary podcast of Dr. Laura's Radio Show, "Secrets of Happy Parents"

Did You Miss These Recent Features?

9-16-13 - Helping Kids Fall Asleep
Raise a Motivated Student
9-9-13 - Help with homework?
Ten Tips for Adjusting to School
8-26-13 - Evening routines
Kids Who Love Learning
8-19-13 - Preparing for School
Toddler separation anxiety
8-5-13 - Easy Potty Learning
100 Family Conversation Starters
7-8-13 -  Family Vacation Survival Guide
7-1-13 - 10 Tips for the Best Summer 
Getting Strong-Willed Kids Cooperating
6-24-13 - Boredom's Good for Kids
Your 10 Step Plan To Stop Yelling
6-10-13 -Bully-Proof Your Child
Sibling Hitting
6-2-13 - Top Kids' Safety Rules
5-6-13 - Negotiating Conflict w Kids
4-22-13 - 
Fostering Spiritual Trust
Talking w Your Child about Tragedies
4-15-13 - Terrific Toddlers
Raising a Persistent Child
4-8-13 - Anxiety / OCD
Setting Limits without Threats 
4-1-13 - Stress Reduction
Preventing Eating Disorders
3-25-13 - Toddler Sleep
Stop Sibling Fighting
3-18-13 - Crib to Toddler Bed
Raise Kids who Aren't "Entitled"
3-11-13 - Cell Phone Rules
Parenting Strong-Willed Kids
3-4-13 - Get Kids Talking
Stop Siblings Fighting
2-25-13 - Gentle Weaning
Surviving Arsenic Hour
2-11-13 - 10 Steps To Stop Yelling
2-4-13- Raise a Child w Great Values
When You Lose it With Your Child
1-28-13 - When Toddlers Hit 
Helping Children w Chronic Illness
1-14-13 - Disciplining Toddlers
When You Get Angry at Your Child
1-7-13 - Child-Led Potty Learning
Talking with Preteens about Bullying


Dr. Laura on other websites:, a wonderful new parenting resource, has finally launched! You'll find videos of hundreds of parenting experts on every topic imaginable -- Including 27 videos from Dr. Laura!

The Mothering Forum

The Wall Street Journal
A Smart Answer to I'm Bored'

The Mother Company:
Storify Chat - Stop Yelling
When Parents Yell at Children
When Your Child Lies to You
The Breakdown on Big Feelings

Parenting from
Best Positive Parenting Resources

Boston magazine
Eight Ways to Avoid Helicopter Parenting

Working Mother Magazine
Get Out the Door Fast

Earth Mama Angel Baby:
Does Breastfeeding Affect IQ?

All Things
Bully-Proof Your Child
Playing with Your Child: Games for Connection and Emotional Intelligence
Why Boredom is Good for Your Child
Handling Night Terrors

Deseret News
Creating simple conversation can make big difference in families

The Daily Times of Farmington, NM
Spend More Time Outside with Kids

Yorktown Patch
When Your Teen's Words Hurt You

Antonella Gambotto-Burke
This Is a

Parenting Bookmark:
Toddler Social Skills

Sleep without Tears

Wyatt McKenzie's
Parenting the Future App
What's Wrong with Timeouts?
Helping Children Develop Empathy
Raising Compassionate Kids


Dr. Laura Answers Questions on You Tube

How to Raise Responsible Kids

Kids and Anger

Traveling with Kids on Airplanes

Dealing with Sibling Fights

How to be a Fair Parent

Raising Compassionate Kids

Teaching Table Manners

Ideal Age Difference Between Children

Toddlers and Brushing Teeth

Kids and Healthy Food

Helping Kids Act Appropriately in Public

Protecting Kids During Divorce

Kids From First Marriage Getting Along with New Spouse

Disciplining Stepchildren

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How to Give Unconditional Love When You Didn't Get It Yourself

Friday, March 29, 2013, 12:00:00 AMGo to full article

"The key is unconditional kindness to all life, including one's own, which we refer to as compassion." – David R. Hawkins

All parents know that children need unconditional love to thrive. But how can we give our children something most of us haven't really experienced?

The answer is that we CAN experience unconditional love -- by giving it to ourselves.  We do this by actively, thoughtfully, accepting our selves -- imperfections and all.  When we miss the mark of our own standards -- as we all do, all the time -- we give ourselves a compassionate hug, and resolve to give ourselves better support so we can keep moving in the right direction.

Compassion -- whether it comes from inside or outside -- gradually moves  humans from a state of being "self-centered" to a state of being "centered in self." Researchers say this deep self-love is the opposite of selfishness. 

We become so secure in our ok-ness that we're more emotionally generous. Anger and defensiveness begin to melt away. That lens of love softens our judgment of ourselves, which in turn makes us more loving. We're happier people -- and more peaceful parents.

Here's how:

1. Commit to radical self-compassion.  Think of this as parenting yourself in a loving way through all the trials and tribulations of life. As Anne Lamott says, "Take yourself through the day as you would your most beloved mental-patient relative, with great humor and lots of small treats." 

Why radical self-compassion? That's the unconditional in "unconditional" love, which means loving yourself deeply regardless of your flaws and mistakes. It's easy to approve of perfection, but humans are never perfect, so you're bound to make mistakes. Love yourself anyway! That's the only way you'll be able to love your child unconditionally. Just snap at your kid? Take a deep breath and soothe yourself; then you'll be better able to repair things with your child.

2. Make repair and connection a way of life. We need seven positive interactions to every negative interaction to keep a relationship in good shape. When your child hurts her sister's feelings, you help her find a way to make up, to repair the rift she's created in the relationship.  So when you create a rift with your child, you do a variation of this:  Offer your child a heartfelt apology, find a way to reconnect and repair, and create seven positive interactions. This not only repairs your relationship with your child; it repairs your own self-love. By creating positive interactions with your child now, you're healing whatever you wish you hadn't done or said in the past – so you automatically stop beating yourself up about your past mistakes.

3. Experiment with a mantra to retrain your mind. When you change your thoughts, your feelings become more forgiving, and more loving. Use your mantra as often as possible, so it's more likely to pop into your mind when you're under stress. Some of my favorites:

I am more than enough.
She's acting like a kid because she is a kid.
This is not an emergency.  No one's dying. This will be ok.
I'm the role model for my kids.
Whatever happens, I can handle it.
My kids will be ok. They need me, not a perfect mother.
If you remember this in a year, you'll be laughing about it.
Kids need love. Especially when they least deserve it.
I breathe in love. I breathe out love.

4. Meditate. The Buddha said that one of the main benefits of meditation is that it creates unconditional friendliness toward the self.  You could also think of this as unconditional love for yourself. Research shows that even ten minutes of meditation every day makes a huge difference in your ability to stay calm. That's because it actually changes your brain -- for the better, and permanently! Why not try it?

5. When you lose it, find a way to use it. Instead of berating yourself when you make a mistake, resolve to learn from it.  Ok, so you lost it and screamed at your child.  Stop beating yourself up. Calm yourself down. Apologize (and resist the urge to make it your child's fault.)  Now, how can you make this a less-frequent occurrence?  Start bedtime earlier?  Give yourself ten minutes with a cup of herb tea before you start the bedtime routine?  Post a schedule to make evenings run more smoothly?  Have a rambunctious play session every day before dinner, so the rest of the evening feels calmer and more connected? Commit to spending "special time" with each child every evening, so they aren't running on empty?  Commit to exercising or meditating, even for twenty minutes a day? Just do it.

Hard? Yes.  You're creating love out of nothing.  Transforming dross into gold.  Learning to love yourself is the hardest work there is. 

But you're worth it.

And so is your child.

This post is part of the series "Spring Cleaning for Your Psyche," which is interspersed with our regular posts for the next few weeks.

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