Tuesday, August 5, 2014

HeadSpace ~ one of our favorite ones

I definitely recommend this meditation app ~ only 10 mins. Christopher and I listen to it almost every night! It's our new nite nite ritual and positive for us both 🌀 He loves the guys Aussie accent and encouraging, calm nature, plus there are cool short videos to watch before a couple of the meditations. We just did the 10 free and keep repeating. You can pay a monthly fee to get the next 20 meditations, but not ready yet to fork over more cash. Also, we are liking the Insight Timer meditations ~ listened to one last night, maybe 6th or 7th down on the list. Christopher commented that listening each night is helping him fall asleep more quickly and be more calm. Amazing what deep breaths can do and learning to let thoughts pass by like clouds instead getting all worked up and ruminating over. Oh, listening to Patty's SPF meditations are also very rejuvenating. Please let me know if anyone of you have some meditation apps that you can recommend. To more peaceful nite's and mornings ~ although mornings might be rough for awhile with school resuming. 
All is Well 🌟

Andrea L Gooldy
Parent Educator and Coach

Begin forwarded message:

From: Headspace <info@headspace.com>
Date: August 2, 2014 at 11:02:50 AM EDT
To: andreaparentcoach@gmail.com
Subject: You're nearly there
Reply-To: info@headspace.com


Hang on in there!

Just by signing up to Headspace you took an important first step towards a happier, healthier mind. The rest is simple.

In just 10 minutes a day – the time it takes to shower or make a coffee – you can learn to treat your head right. And really it's just like exercise - the more often you do it, the greater the benefit you'll see and feel.

Don't worry if you miss a day – like everything new it takes a while to find your way into a routine.

Some handy hints to get you going

You can get a bit of help from Andy on building a regular practice here.

And don't forget to pop into the Community section for some extra support.

"Falling off the meditation wagon is common. It happens to us all. The important thing is not to dwell on it too much and simply start again today."

Andy Puddicombe

Hop back on and Take10 today
The Headspace Team