5 sessions would be $90 including workbook ($15 value).
** I am still offering at a discount because my regular price is $25/session! **
Here is a description of the curriculum ~
ScreamFree Parenting: Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool
This breakthrough parenting workshop has already inspired parents in churches and organizations all across the country to create revolutionary changes in their homes. The ScreamFree way equips parents to operate from their highest principles while quieting their deepest fears. This lively, interactive workshop goes in-depth into all 12 principles of ScreamFree Parenting and allows each participant to begin to internalize the ScreamFree message and start to put it into practice in their lives. By becoming a ScreamFree Parent, you learn to let go of the need to be the perfect parent with the perfect techniques to raising perfect kids. "The truth is that you don't have to know all the right answers at all the right times in order to be the parent you've always wanted to be; you just have to learn to calm down," says Hal Runkel, parenting expert, family therapist and author of ScreamFree Parenting and ScreamFree Marriage.
In this 5 hour DVD seminar, with a personal workbook, you will learn how will to:
• Eliminate power struggles
• Enjoy your children once again
• Act with confidence, feel more capable
• Let the consequences do the screaming
• Raise your kids to be responsible, respectful, and caring adults
The Principles of ScreamFree Parenting
1 - Parenting is Not about the Kids, It's About Parents
2 - Growing Up is Hard to Do, Especially for Grown-Ups
3 - If You're Not Under Control, Then You Cannot Be in Charge
4 - Begin With the End in Mind, but Let Go of the Final Results
5 - Kids Need Their Room
6 - Resistance is Futile; Practice Judo Parenting
7 - You Are Not a Prophet (and Neither is Grandma)
8 - Parents Set the Table by Setting the Tone (and Vice Versa)
9 - Let the Consequences Do the Screaming
10 - Empty Threats Are Really Broken Promises
11 - Put on Your Oxygen Mask First
12 - Revolutionary Relationships
*** Relationship change involves making conscious choices to take Hold of our own emotional responses, and let go of our child's. ***
"Sensory Processing: Hidden Implications That May Affecting Your Child's Academic Performance and Environmental Solutions For Success".
Please save the date for March 13th, 12pm, PC auditorium
Bring Lunch and a friend to hear Kate Drummond, Occupational Therapist
Kate is owner and occupational therapist of About Play Therapy Services. She has been working in the Atlanta area for over 15 years with children in outpatient clinics, schools, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston Children's Hospital, and the natural environment. She began her private work in 2002, and is certified in Sensory Integration. She joined forces in 2011 with longtime friend and colleague Lauren Zimet, speech and language pathologist, to found the Healthy Foundations Program. In addition to their therapeutic work with children and families, Kate and Lauren have a passion for brain health, nutrition, and mindful living, and enjoy sharing these passions with clients and the community at large.
Link:Where:SRS Primary CampusAuditorium
<print> <close window> <map to location>Andrea is a proud momma of a 4 1/2 year old little one and enthusiastic parenting coach. She started her journey as a mom and has been coaching friends informally now for a while. She's been getting certified with Love and Logic, Scream Free and other leading parenting philosophies. Put that together with genuine caring and thoughtful advice, you got a fantastic resource for most of your parenting questions... or venting.