Hi Parents,
Just found out about a free parenting seminar, this Weds March 13th from 12 to 130pm, at Sarah Smith auditorium, on sensory processing. This is such a fascinating subject that is relevant for both our children, and ourselves. Stop in if you can somehow fit it in your schedule. See below for more info on the seminar and the featured speaker, Kate Drummond, OTR/L, About Play Therapy.
"Sensory Processing: Hidden Implications That May Be Affecting Your Child's Academic Performance and Environmental Solutions For Success".
Please let me know if you plan to attend so I can look for you:)
From: Dana McKenzie <danadmckenzie@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 20:02:00 -0400
To: Andrea (FMSA) (FMSA)<andreaparentcoach@gmail.com>
Subject: Wednesday OT seminar at Sarah Smith
Parenting Seminar: Kate Drummond, OTR/L, AboutPlay TherapyCategory:Present Parenting ProgramDate:March 13, 2013Time:12:00 PM - 1:30 PMDescription:
"Sensory Processing: Hidden Implications That May Affecting Your Child's Academic Performance and Environmental Solutions For Success".
Please save the date for March 13th, 12pm, PC auditorium
Bring Lunch and a friend to hear Kate Drummond, Occupational Therapist
Kate is owner and occupational therapist of About Play Therapy Services. She has been working in the Atlanta area for over 15 years with children in outpatient clinics, schools, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston Children's Hospital, and the natural environment. She began her private work in 2002, and is certified in Sensory Integration. She joined forces in 2011 with longtime friend and colleague Lauren Zimet, speech and language pathologist, to found the Healthy Foundations Program. In addition to their therapeutic work with children and families, Kate and Lauren have a passion for brain health, nutrition, and mindful living, and enjoy sharing these passions with clients and the community at large.
Where:SRS Primary Campus
370 Old Ivy Drive
Atlanta, GA 30342
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