Monday, January 13, 2014

L & L Session 1 * This Tuesday 7pm on The Power of Empathy

Greetings to my New Year's Love and Logic class!
Looking forward to meeting you all this Tuesday evening, learning, and laughing together, and supporting one another. The sessions will start at 7pm, and be held in an office suite :
B210, 6160 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Atlanta, GA 30328. Right down the street from Costco and Home Depot, towards Hammond Rd.
Once turn into office complex, go straight about 1/8 of a mile and B210 will be on the left, last door on the street. Just call me if have a problem 404-932-9393.
Please note that it Is completely fine if you arrive late or need to leave early. The important thing is you make it to the session if you can, even if only for half of it:)

Why learn how to be empathetic??
Because expressing empathy changes brain chemistry. It SOAKS up emotion allowing the recipient (our child, spouse, friend) to get through the
feeling instead of becoming defensive, seeking revenge or trying to escape. Empathy OPENS the heart and mind to Learning. Anger, lectures, warnings, and sarcasm CREATE fight, flight, or freeze. None of us learn too well from the consequences of our actions when we are "drunk on emotion." Empathy PREVENTS
our fight, flight, or freeze responses. And maintains and allows for relationship growth!

The title of session 1 is "Handling Misbehavior Without Breaking a Sweat." We will learn how to "Go brain dead." Then softly repeat a single Love and Logic one-liner, that you will choose during class that fits your personality.

Please think about which empathetic statement will best fit your personality, culture, etc. Here are some examples:
* "This is so sad"
* "Oh man. That's too bad."
* "What a bummer."
* "Oh dear."
* "That's never good."
* "This stinks."
* "Hmm....."
* "I see......"
* "Gosh, that's tough/frustrating/hard."
* "I don't know. What do you think?" (Better for older kids)

Some MORE benefits of delivering empathy BEFORE delivering consequences:
* Empathy makes the child's poor decision the "bad guy" while keeping the adult the "good guy."
* As a result, the child has a harder time blaming the adult for the problem.
* This forces him or her to look inside and to learn from the consequence. Your goal is to get your child in the "thinking mode" before doing anything else.

Next, please give some thought to a problem you would like to work on such as reducing whining, meltdowns, arguing, having to give repeated warnings, how to handle misbehavior in public, etc. We can touch upon at the beginning of the class, then discuss further following the videos, and workbook exercises.

The most successful parents:
* Take good care of themselves
* Set and enforce limits
* Hold their kids accountable for their misbehavior
* Do all of these things in a very a Loving way
* Know that kids are ready to start learning responsibility as soon as they are old enough to spit beets across the table

Most importantly, from this course, you will learn techniques that will:
* Allow you to discipline your kids without losing their Love & Respect
* Help you raise respectful & responsible kids
* Up the odds that the teenage years will be happy rather than horrific
* Make parenting Fun & Rewarding!

I know this is a lot of information to digest. We will have plenty of time to process and practice the new parenting strategies. Thank you for making this investment in yourself, your kids, and your family!


"They say it Takes a Village to Raise a Child, but no one ever tells you where it is or how to get there."

Andrea L Gooldy, M.S.
Parent Educator, Coach and Workshop Facilitator
Independent Love and Logic Facilitator 'Early Childhood Parenting Made Fun!'
Certified Screamfree Parenting Leader

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