Friday, March 27, 2015

Wendy Mogel Talks

Hi Moms!
Before this gets off my radar, I wanted to forward these two videos. Luisana, I appreciate your reminding me, of what I have sent to you, that has been helpful such as the below 2 min video. The the video at the bottom is almost 15 mins, but worth watching! Wendy Mogel is definitely an amazing speaker and storyteller, with a great sense of humor 😃 We could all use some more laughter in lives and to remember to not take ourselves so seriously! 

Parenting Food For Thought by Wendy Mogel, author of "The Blessing of A Skinned Knee" and "The Blessing of a B-." 

Here is a 2 min video on YouTube via Why to say No More as well as  respectful, calm ways to say it. Personally, I see myself in the mom that says so many yes' then has my own meltdown because too permissive. Believe sometimes need trial and error to figure out some of the rules you are inflexible on. Love to hear comments after watching!

I particularly like this recent Ted Talk from Wendy Mogel. A lot of the info is geared more towards parents with older kids, but I know you all are thinking ahead, or you wouldn't have participated in this parenting class. 

Andrea L Gooldy
Parent Educator and Coach

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