Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Parenting Tip : Bad Wolf and Good Wolf

Hello Class,
I was hoping to drop by tomorrow for your first post class gathering at Wholefoods. Unfortunately, I cannot be there tomorrow; however, please keep me posted regarding your future morning momma meetings, as I would love to be a part of, whenever I can. These type of face to face interactions are so necessary to keep us sane, give us some perspective, and help us continue on a positive, effective parenting track. Plus, for our individual well-being.

Here's a parenting tip via a parent coach from Israel, Tali Peleg. Reminds me of Love and Logic's enforceable statements, and emphasis on focusing on the desired behavior vs the unwanted. That which we give attention and energy to, grows!! And just as montessori teaches, highlight our children's effort, process instead of the result. I know, this not natural. It's similar to learning a new language.

Per Tali:
"These tips are short and to the point with powerful messages.

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about the battle that goes on between the two wolves which are inside each of us. The evil wolf is back talking, whining, and hitting, and the good wolf is respecting, contributing, improving and considerate. The grandson asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".

It's important to keep feeding the good wolf.  Here are some examples:

Good wolf: "It's great watching you two sharing the toys."

Bad wolf: "Stop fighting. Why do you always hit your sister?"

Good wolf: "When you ask nicely, I understand and am happy to help."

Bad wolf: "When you whine, I don't listen."

The goal is to starve the "bad wolf" and feed the "good wolf." It's important to encourage the child's intent, thought, process, progress, and improvement."                                                


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