Sunday, February 3, 2013

Motivating Monday Parenting Tip ~ Hug your first born

I know several of you are pregnant with your 2nd child, or just had your 2nd or 3rd child, so here's a relevant tip! As a firstborn, I know I wished my mom hugged me more, but so much easier to love the younger sweeter babies, toddlers, preschools than awkward older ones. And for those of you, like me, who only have 1, we also need to keep hugging, even when, in my case, my sassy six year old, Christopher, acts like he's too old or "cool" for my affection. I also just found out about a new book called the "The 5 Love Languages for Children" which reminds us that just as we adults have a love language that fills our emotional tank, so do our children. And my sensitive passionate son, similar to his father, has a high need for physical touch, along with a need for words of affirmation. Let me know if the hugs make a positive difference:)

From: Tali Peleg <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 23:24:24 -0500
To: <>
Subject: Weekly tip - hug your first born


Weekly tip - Hug your first born

Parents with one child tend to ask themselves how could they give love to another child. In reality, as soon as the second child arrives, the "family constellation" changes, and often the younger child will take the "chair" of the cute and adorable one, while the first child will get our complaints and demands: be careful, gently, don't touch the head, you're too big, we expect more, you should know better...

This tip is to remind us to keep hugging the first child (or only child), and keep telling him we love him.

Sometimes, we feel like it's not as fun anymore to hug the eldest child. However, since it's so important, it's critical to keep hugging. Even if it may seem weird at first, with time it will strengthen the relationship with the child.


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