Tuesday, April 9, 2013

ScreamFree Tip ~ "A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and advisor when absolute rule shall cease."

Good afternoon ScreamFree mamas ~
Just checking in and sending a ScreamFree Parenting tip to keep you in the ScreamFree frame of mind, or help you get you back in it. This letting go concept is so difficult for a lot of us ~ we need to let go, and let go again, and then again, when it comes to our children. Just as we need to do with our spouses, our parents, siblings, our good friends, etc....It is going to look different, depending on our child's age, his/her personality and ours, plus it is constantly changing ~ that's what makes it fascinating to me, and very challenging to do on our own since we are so close to the situation. Please use this group forum to drill down to what it looks like in your family, with your child/ren. Our next class is this Thurs April 11th beginning at 9am; however, I can meet earlier, at 815 or 830, for anyone who missed the first session or a portion of the session. Please let me know if want to do that. For your calendar, our remainding sessions are:
Thurs April 11th & the 25th (skipping the 18th)
May 2nd & the 9th

As we discussed last week around starting with the end in mind, we want to raise adults who have confidence in their decision making skills, are resilient and believe in themselves. And don't you want to "champion their (our children's) dreams instead of your own, (so) they will see that you are in their corner and they will respect you for that." I do!! I may get off track with that purpose, but luckily, I get back on track via ongoing parenting support like this class, reading and getting honest feedback from
other parents that I respect.
Pls read below for full parenting tip!

From: The ScreamFree Institute <info@screamfree.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2013 10:00:59 -0500 (CDT)
To: <andreaparentcoach@gmail.com>
ReplyTo: The ScreamFree Institute <info@screamfree.com>
Subject: Tick Tock Goes the Clock

  ScreamFree Tip of the Day  

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Tip of the Day April 1, 2013

The Quote

"A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and advisor when his absolute rule shall cease."

-Sharon Salzberg, The O Magazine, The Power of Intention 2004


ScreamFree's Take

hal totd

The whole goal of parenting is to help our kids arrive at a place where they do not need us any longer. That perspective is difficult to see in our day to day lives and frankly, many parents don’t even want to look for it. I think that’s because many of us, unfortunately, like to be needed by our children. It gives us a feeling of importance and worth that is otherwise hard to come by.

We have to realize that at some point, our children will be on their own. They will not need our permission to do things or to go places. That is not something that happens all at once. At least it shouldn’t be. As our kids grow, we should be giving them incremental freedom and responsibility. We should be teaching them how to become good decision makers, and we have to face that making mistakes and getting hurt is a part of that process. The more you can encourage your child to be independent and self-reliant, the more they will believe in themselves. And when you champion their dreams instead of your own, they will see that you are in their corner and they will respect you for that.

-Hal Runkel, LMFT, Author of ScreamFree Parenting & ScreamFree Marriage


ScreamFree Coaching

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The ScreamFree Institute Inc., 45 Technology Parkway South,
Suite 240, Norcross, GA 30092. 678-672-6410


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